Monday, December 21, 2009


salam sume,,ha.?npe kmbali.??sbb aq da lme gler xpost pape kt cni,,not only me,also the others;nysa,aten,sya..
thus is due to the blocked page by the KPM,,huhu
we can't access 2 our blog 4 almost a month i guess,,well,leh bkak skung sbb ade pnyelia kt blok wk2 nih,,
aq stat klas lmbt ri ni,,klas agme is being postponed 2 2morrow evning,,hehehe~
hurm,aq ade pre-ups fzk ptg nih,,,kul 5.15-6.30 pm,,aiyak,,lmbat an,,nway,wish me luck k,,
hope bleh jwb ngn tnang dn tnteram,,
ha,nk cte nih,,parents aq da blek from mekah aw,,hehe:)
really hepy ma,,aq blek uma knmis lpas coz nk jmpe meke,,wndu sme meke so much lorh,,
dsbbkn aq blek,aq xdpt la join princess nite yg blok aq wt,,dgrnye mmg happening,,
but aq xnyesal pun blek,,dpt jmpe ma parents,,sonok,,aq da tkar specs aw,,abg aq support,,
almklumla,dy bru dpt gji prtme dye,,dhbiskn untuk adk2 dy yg comey2 nih,,hehehe
ala,dun wory,,dy da save ntuk blnje kwen dy la,,haha
erm,pe lg nk cte ek,,lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala~
ha,ups is around the roundabout la,,hehe
awl bulan jan nex year,,nex year 2 lg 2 mggu jekla,,
well,wish all of us(aq,nysa,aten,sya) best of luck k,,we'll try our very best.!!gambate.!
da la dlu kot,,ha,ri rbu ni blek ag,,cuti kismes,,erm,da dpt no id upu,tp aq x mhon ag,,xtaw nk plih course pe la,,spe2 ade idea,tlongla yek,,hehe
okey,tata sume.!!!salam syg&rndu bwt kwn2..hehe~


