Monday, December 21, 2009


salam sume,,ha.?npe kmbali.??sbb aq da lme gler xpost pape kt cni,,not only me,also the others;nysa,aten,sya..
thus is due to the blocked page by the KPM,,huhu
we can't access 2 our blog 4 almost a month i guess,,well,leh bkak skung sbb ade pnyelia kt blok wk2 nih,,
aq stat klas lmbt ri ni,,klas agme is being postponed 2 2morrow evning,,hehehe~
hurm,aq ade pre-ups fzk ptg nih,,,kul 5.15-6.30 pm,,aiyak,,lmbat an,,nway,wish me luck k,,
hope bleh jwb ngn tnang dn tnteram,,
ha,nk cte nih,,parents aq da blek from mekah aw,,hehe:)
really hepy ma,,aq blek uma knmis lpas coz nk jmpe meke,,wndu sme meke so much lorh,,
dsbbkn aq blek,aq xdpt la join princess nite yg blok aq wt,,dgrnye mmg happening,,
but aq xnyesal pun blek,,dpt jmpe ma parents,,sonok,,aq da tkar specs aw,,abg aq support,,
almklumla,dy bru dpt gji prtme dye,,dhbiskn untuk adk2 dy yg comey2 nih,,hehehe
ala,dun wory,,dy da save ntuk blnje kwen dy la,,haha
erm,pe lg nk cte ek,,lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala~
ha,ups is around the roundabout la,,hehe
awl bulan jan nex year,,nex year 2 lg 2 mggu jekla,,
well,wish all of us(aq,nysa,aten,sya) best of luck k,,we'll try our very best.!!gambate.!
da la dlu kot,,ha,ri rbu ni blek ag,,cuti kismes,,erm,da dpt no id upu,tp aq x mhon ag,,xtaw nk plih course pe la,,spe2 ade idea,tlongla yek,,hehe
okey,tata sume.!!!salam syg&rndu bwt kwn2..hehe~


Sunday, November 29, 2009


salam sume,,result ktowg da kua da,,huhu
alhmdulillah,,ktowg sume dpt stay kt kmns trcinta,,haha
ktowg bru blek kolej ptg td,,aiyakk,,xpuas ma duk uma bbpe ari nih
yela kn,rye aji,,tp,rye aji aq kli nih an parents aq tade,aq ler kne duk dpur uh,,but best la gk
papepun,syukur la result xtrok,,
hah,?nk tau ke??..erm,,,,,
k r,,de kje nk wt nih,,tata sume~

~fana hepy~

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


hah,pesal aq cm tensen nih,,law nk tau,esok result ktowg nk kua,,
hop evrything is fine,,aq hrp gk dpt 4flat nih
tp xtaw la an,,
well,,doakan la kami pelajar kmns nih yek,,
aq hrp sume dak blik aq stay,dak2 pst plak dpt result yg gmpak,,especially my room8 n prakticum8
time kaseh pd sume yg da bnyk mmbn2,,huhu,,yg xptus2 mmberi sokongan dn dorongan,,hee~

ok la,,aq nk chow dlu r,,
de kje lg,,
eventhough esk result kua,kuliah stil cm bese la,,
xpe,,esok pun blek,pas abes kuliah,,,
ptg lar,abg aq amek dlm kul 4 g2,,
well,,tah pe la aktvt ktowg rye aji ni ek
mk ayh xde,nk g rye ke??hehe
ok2,,aq nk blah dlu k,,
kang xciap plak kje aq,,huhu
k,tata sume,,
kt uma kang aq xon9 taw,,huhu
salam n slamt arie ghaye aji,,muahx.!

~fana yg tga tkot result nk kua~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

sya came back to KMNS

it's me nysa,
haha akhir nyer sya punye cuti abes gak,, hik3,
pas ni dh kne kuliah cm biase, huhu
pdn mke,
n pdn mke kat aku gak, hahaha
tu jer nk ckp, k wasalam,

counting down for HARI RAYA HAJI
wanna come back to my house,,


allo sume,,
rini ktowg bgn agk awl la,,aq r yg start,7.30 da g mndi,,huahua,,
dyowg tgk aq da g mndi,dyowg pun bgn gk,,hahaha
da bgn awl,pe lg an,lapo r jdiknyer,,hehe
abeh aq kne blame sbb bgn awl,,bese ktowg bgn pun xmndi dlu,,
pas mndi,tggu zhur bru g mkn,,
kali ni trpkse la ktowg g sapan dlu,,xthn dok lapo,,hehehe
maka,ktowg pun bekfes nsi lmak,,so,tga knyang lg la nih,,
haa.!da zan..!!hehe,,mkn time,,jap ag pas solat ktowg g mkn dlu,then g amek duit yg abg a qmsukkan pg2 td,,hehe
abg aq da call pg td ckp da msukkan duit,,hepinyerrr aq.!!kih3
ok la,,chiow dlu lorh,,da lapo,,haha
salam syg sume,,hee

~fana yg klaparan;D~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

hri sb2 yg suram,,

pg nih aq bgn xla awl sgt,tp xdela lewat pun,,rse mlz tol nk bgn,,
baring jek ats katil yg xbrape nk empuk sgt nih,,haha,,
xsapan pun,tggu kul stu pas zhur trus lunch,,pas luunch aq g koop ngn dak2 blik aq nih,,
tjuan asl aq nk suh abg koop 2 tgkkn enset aq a.k.a enset adk aq yg aq pnjm,,hehe,,
xbleh nk anta msg lak,,call bleh,msg msuk pun bleh,,pehal tah,,
it drives me crazy u know,,huhu
susa beb xbleh msg,nk msg abg pun susa,,ehem,abg ni mean abg btol taw,,no abg cintan2 ni,,xmaen r,,kuang3,,
well,sesmpainye aq kt koop,akak 2 ckp abg xde,,aduss,,terpana aq seketike,,hehe
sdey gkla,,aq nk repair dis fon a.s.a.p,,huhu
so,ptg kang aq nk g lg,,kne gkla,,but 0ne problem,i dun have money lar,,
pg td aq da ckp ngn abg aq,,esok bru dy msukkan l0rh,,adeh,,
trpkse lar aq pnjm dt aten,,huhu
hope repair nih xpkai bnyk sgt dt la,,elaun lmbt lg nk msok maa,,
pas rye aji t bru msuk,,result plak kua hri ktowg leh blek,,ri rbu,,
sgt mghrp result aq ok,,tkot lorh,,aiyak,,
 hurm,,rye aji kali ni without my parents taw,,mereka g aji la,,hee
i'm the one which do the house chores taw,,msk la,pe tah,,
kwang3,,anta n amek ade dr skola pon aq,mse cti sem ri 2,,haha
tp naek kete taw,,besh la,,praktice bwk kete,wira je la,,myvi abg aq pkai,,huhu
erm,mlm ni nk wt pe ek,,wt assgment lar,,bku tuto da mnunggu 2,,
hehe,,pe2pun,smoge xbusan,,haha
k la,,cm nk g mndi la,,xseda da 6.30.!huh..
papai sume,,salam~


Friday, November 13, 2009


it's me, nysa
i bkn pe, i geram auw ngn pihak kolej npe dia bgi wi-fi tapi byk web kne block,
if like that better xyah ade wi-fi,
ish.! geram nyer,,
subhanallah, hmmm
k r tu je nk ckp,
pde pengarah :
jgn lar block byk sgt,, huhu

sem 2 bru bermula

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

welc0me bAck t0 matricUlation,,!

hye sume,,ha,ktowg da blek matriks da,,cutie yg pd awlnye drsekn sgt lme da tamat p0wn,,huhu
erm,puas la gk dpt lpak lme2 kt uma an,,aq kt uma wt housew0rks jek,,msk,kms,bsuh pggn,sidai kaen,etc,,hehe
da jdik kje n my resp0nsible as ank p0mpuan prtame in my family since my parents gi aji ni,,aq an xde akak,abg mmg brlmbak,,huahua
well,evrything 0k jek kt uma,,sume under my c0ntr0l,,hehe
skung ni cian plak abg aq kne urus hal2 kt uma 2,,dy bru stat p0sting jdik cgu ri 2,,nsib baek dpt dkt ngn uma,kt muar jek,,huhu
cian,tp aq p0wn de resp0nsible laen gk an,,kne blaja,,hehe
erm,smlm da stat kuliah,td da stat tut0r,,tp cket2 jela c0z xbnyk blaja lg an,,
ha,ade stu story..lecturer tut0r math aq da tkar cg shatri plak,,ni ckgu ayun dlu,,dgr cite ayun psl ckgu ni p0wn aq da seram,,huhu
tp ayun ckp ckgu shatri ni sbnrnye besh law kte leyh ik0t rentak dy,,pe la yg aq nk tkotkn ek,bkn ckgu 2 nk bunuh kt0wg pown,,hak2(nk sedapkn ati sndri)
erm,,k la,,aq de hal plak nk wat nih,,huhu,,t aq post lg yek,,tatatititutu,,hee;D


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ayt tok jadi amaln seharian

its me nysa :)

nk bgi 1 ayt tok jadikan amln

ni ayt tok di elakkan diri kite dpd di rogol,,
bkn ape, kita khusus nya kaum hawa jge lar pe yg ade,
jgn asyik nk tonton kan pe yg x patut di tontonkan kat org len,
xkan nk jadi 2nd touch kot

renung-renung kan :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

interview SPA

salam.! its me ayun
smlm (22okt09) aku g interview spa kt jb,
nk sdp kan aty mak aku sbb dia nk sgt aku g,,

aku kuar umh lmbt dlm 6.30,,
hahaha dh parents aku bebel,,
smua aku punye psl lar,
mak kejut xnk bgun, pastu bgun lmbt dgn bju lom iron, resume x print agi,,
messy nk mati r tyme tu,,
tapi bpk aku cool je aku ngok,,
siap ley tgk tv,,

pastu aku dh siap dlm 6.30 bertolak,,
lmbt giler,,
bpk aku pe agi mule lar pecut keta cm F1
haha amek ko 140 skali bwk,,

agk takot,

dlm 8.05 tu aku smpi kat hsa,jb
besar giler spital ni,,
siap sesat,,
last2, nasib bek ade abg spital ensem tu g tau kt ner,,
smpi je,, akak counter register bgi borg tros msuk dwn amek exam,,

umak ai,,, kecut gak aku,,
dh lar rushing otak serabut nervous agi
kne jwb soklan
muley ker??

giler r ayun,,
mkcik yg jge exam tu pon bgi aku soklan n briefing aku,,
dia mare lar aku dtg lmbt,,
aku wat pekak je tyme dia ckp tu,,
hahaha sory lar aunty,,

mkcik tu ckp jwb ni 20min jer,,
aku bce dpn tu ade 215 QUESTION!!
uhhhh.! smpt ke ni,,

jap g bkk je kts soklan,
soklan dia jwpn just ya atau tidak,,
hahaha tersenyum aku,,

pe agi dgn x bce soklan aku jwb jer,,
ye atau x kan,,

pastu kol 9 aku abes jwb,,
keluar dewan tu n aku rse free cket bab waktu aku nk kne interview lme agi,,
tpi sbnr nye nervous,,
cm nk tertanggal gg aku rse,

3 jam kemudian..

nme aku dipanggil,,
kecut beb.!
dgn selawat aku msuk,,
ek eleh yg interview mkcik tadi,,
tros aku x takot,,

aku byg kan org yg interview aku tu
gemok, prot buncit, misai giler tebal, mke ketat
tapi x pon,,


aku disoal lar mcm2,,
aku ilek je jwb,,
x takot pape pon,,

pastu dlm 15 nk ke 20 min aku dlm bilek tu,,
aku rse aku pling lme kot kne interview,,

tyme tu aku dh rse pat lar mkcik,,

pas dia ckp,, k, awk blh kuar, trime kasih,,
aku pe agi, aku slm n amek fail tros blah,,

aku rse ok je,, xde r takot sgt kne interview,
org ckp interview ssh, tpu belaka.!!!

tu je lar aku nk kongsi,,
xpe lar wlu pon aku nk muaskan aty mak aku
at least aku dpt experience di interview,,


pde sya, yg nk g interview just rileks k,,
xde pape yg nk takot,,
goreng je org yg interview ko,,
ko ckp je bgi diorg xtau nk ckp pe agi,,

together we stand!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

true friend

We sign our cards and letters BFF
You’ve got a million ways to make me laugh
You’re lookin’ out for me, you’ve got my back
It’s so good to have you around

You know the secrets I could never tell
And when I’m quiet you break through my shell
Don’t feel the need to do a rebel yell
As you keep my feet on the ground

You’re a true friend
You’re here ’till the end
You pull me aside when something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
‘Till it’s alright again
You’re a true friend

You don’t get angry when I change the plans
Somehow you’re never out of second chances
Won’t say I told you, when I’m wrong again
I’m so lucky that I’ve found

A true friend
You’re here ’till the end

You pull me aside when something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
‘Till it’s alright again

True friends will go to the ends of the earth
‘Till they find the things you need
Friends hang on through the ups and the downs
Cause they’ve got someone to believe in

A true friend
You’re here ’till the end
You pull me aside when something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
No need to pretend

Oh, you’re a true friend
You’re here ’till the end
You pull me aside when something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
‘Till it’s alright again
You’re a true friend
You’re a true friend
You’re a true friend

this song dedicated to all my frenz
especially my roomate
sya, fana, aten

you all make my life complete
thanx ALLAH for gave them to me
you all never be replaced in my life

i ♥ you all

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

single i2 indah..

adeh..buhsan gk mlm2@pg nih..huhu
sume da tdow..mte aq plak cm dgil jek..xmo tdo lg..
aiyak..xpela,jap ag la 2 kowt kn..

hurm,,btol x law aq ckp single i2 indah..??
well..pd aq mcm 2la..
mgkin sbb aq blum puas lg mnjlni idup ni tnpe ssowg yg agk pnting tuh..
mgkin jgk sbb aq blum ready nk de pkwe2 nih..
mgkin jgk sbb aq tkot nk b'couple..
mgkin jgk sbb aq xykin kmmpuan aq ntuk stie..
mgkin jgk sbb aq blum bleh pcye kt mne2 llaki..
mgkin jgk sbb aq da pnh ade pnglman yg agk xbesh dlu..

act,sume 2 bkn 'mgkin'..they're act the reasons y i think single is wonderful..
well..mmg aq de pkwe dlu..
aq mle trlbat ngn mnde2 nih sjak form 3 ujung taun..
couple ngn dak lua..bknnnye knal sgt pun..huhu
trok kn..then,break sbb mcm xsswai..kui3(agknye la kot)..
nex year,xde pown..
form 5 plak,ujung taun nk jdik an..
tp,still xlme la..hehe
da abeh spm plak,lg sorang..pon xlme dowh..
kli nih yg bad experience..muahaha..
then..single again smpy jmpe balik mmbe lme..
mmbe yg mmg kmceng ngn aq..
maka,t'couple la kami..huahua
tp,ni la yg pling kjap..lg shari bru nk sblan da 'turnover'..haha
aq yg utarekn,ckp lum sdie..act dy pun sme..
he still can't 4get his la mr.K yg aq cter dlu..
aq mmg la...erm...malu r nk ckp..hehe..phm2 la ekh..kt dy..
he is such a gentle man..kowt..haha
4 me,dy mmg baek,caring..
cme aq ttbe rse tkot nk couple,cm lum puas idup sowg..
well,i'm single again..but not available lar..hehe
besh taw single nih..xde la rse t'kong2 sgt..
..mnde??parents??i2 laen la..parents 2 mmg 2 owg yg sgt pnting dlm idup kte taw..
jgn skali2 m'blakangkn mreka..huhu..ssngguhnye,mreka cme mhukn yg trbaek ntuk kte,bkn brniat ntuk kong2..
ingt nih,stiap pe lrangn parentz ade hkmahnye..huhu
pe lg yg besh psl single nih ekh..
erm,bleh kurangkn dose..
couple kn cm agk m'hmpiri mksiat..(astaghfirullah)..
bkn brniat nk mncela para loving couple skalian yek..
aq bkn nk brlgk baek pon..
tp lumrah manusia m'inginkan ntuk jdik baek kn..
hm,dah la da pnt typing nih..
ok,next time aq post lg k..

~salam ukuwah dr fana yusof~

Monday, October 19, 2009

ingin mnjdi lebih cntik dn mnarik??hehe..

ni aq de bce rhsie nk jdik lg cntik n mnrik..
4 all girls...hehe

  • Jadikanlah Ghadhdul Bashar (menundukkan pandangan) sebagai "hiasan mata" anda, nescaya akan semakin bening dan jernih.
  • Oleskan "lipstik kejujuran" pada bibir anda, nescaya akan semakin manis. 
  • Gunakanlah "pemerah pipi" anda dengan kosmetik yang terbuat dari rasa malu yang dibuat dari salon Iman. 
  • Pakailah "sabun Istighfar" yang menghilangkan semua dosa dan kesalahan yang anda lakukan.
  • Rawatlah rambut anda dengan "Selendang Islami" yang akan menghilangkan kelemumur pandangan lelaki yang merbahayakan.
  • Hiasilah kedua tangan anda dengan gelang Tawadhu' dan jari-jari anda dengan cincin Ukhuwwah.
  • Sebaik-baiknya kalung anda adalah kalung "kesucian".
  • Bedaklah wajah anda dengan "air Wudhu" nescaya akan bercahaya di akhirat.
haa..i2la dy rhsie nye..hehe
tp,kne ingt stu hal..
bwt +thing 2 mstila bcoz of Allah..
jgn plak ltak niat nk cntik ntuk trik prhtian kaum adam..huhu
em,aq de dgr owg ckp..cmnie.....

"Sejuta perkataan belum cukup untuk menceritakan kecantikan perempuan. Sejuta malah berjuta-juta kali ganda perkataan pun masih belum cukup untuk mendefinisikan tentang keindahan perempuan. Kitalah perempuan itu. Panjatkan kesyukuran kehadrat Tuhan kerana menjadikan kita perempuan dan memberikan keindahan-keindahan itu. Namun, betapa pun dijaga, dipelihara, dibelai dan ditatap di hadapan cermin saban waktu, tiba masanya segalanya akan pergi jua. Wajah akan suram, mata akan kelam. Satu sahaja yang tidak akan dimamah usia, sifat keperempuanan yang dipupuk dengan iman dan ibadah. "

so,brsyukurla dgn pe yg kte ade..
ok la,takat ni je dlu..
papai..salam ukuwah bwt rakan sprjuangn sume..

~fana yusof~

i'm back..!!muahaha..

aloha sume..lme ek aq xpost pape kt cni..hehe
aq bz la,final exam la ktekn..
fokus is very imprtant taw..
well,final exam aq da abes da td pg..
yippee..!!syok gkla..
but,there's one more test 2 be faced..
MUET speaking test..
i really hope i can pass this test..
bcoz i want 2 further my study in any U,local or ovrseas..hehe
overseas..what a big dream..
but,it's not a wrong thing t have such dream,isn't it?
my speaking test will be on this wednesday..
ayun n aten will leave this college 2morrow,but i hve 2 wait until wed..huhu
so sad..'s ok la..
sya is still here..
today is the first day of her study week..
if i'm not mistaken,next week will be her exam week..
huhu..bubye sya..gudluck 'boy'..haha
ok la,that's all 4 now..
ciow dlu..tata..

~fana yusof~

Saturday, October 17, 2009

around d PSPM

emm,,,,'PSPM'.da pown nak abis,,cme tinggal stu paper je lag..
betul la kate owng,,matrik nie memg sush..
mak ai,,pecah kepala kmi seme dibuat..
huhu,,abis pusing soklan,,
paling tension,,papre math 2.."killer paper" la krenye..
x sangke lngsung soklnnye payah camtu..
first2 bkak page..ak da terkejut da.."bley jawab ker nie"..
nak nangis pown ade..har..ak dengar cter ramai yg nangis kt libry..
x kurng jgak yg tepon radio luahkn prasaan,,
emm,,camtu la agaknyr care bdak2 matrik lepas prasaan,,huu~
tp..ak pjuk gak ati ak nie tuk try jawab..(walaupown ak blur mase tu)..
lepas tu..berakhir la paper math,,seme da kecoh2..ade yg takut kne kick..
ad yg tak abis lg yg nyesal coz x apply uitm,,ad yg da give up utk paper sok..
mcm2 la ragam diorng..(ak pown cmtu),,ak doakn yg kte sme x kne kick..
amin.....paper soknyer pown cmtu gak,,cme paper 1 kimia jer kot ak bley jawb..
paper sbelom tu??(ak pown x pasti ap yg t'jadi)..hehehe..bese la..exam kali nie akn menentukn
nasib ktorng..kat u mane ktorang leps nie,,tu la susah kot (ak rase laa..)
buat seme rakn2 stu kapal perang ngan ak..let's survive until the last drop of blood (ayt fana)
huhu...jgn skali2 ptus asa..kegagaln x bermakna kte bodoh,itu bermkna kte blom berjaya..
kgagaln juga x bermakna ALLAH x syg kn kte lg,,tu bermkna DIA ad perancangn yg lbih baek..
all d best to u all...~aten~
